
The “EASY BIRTH” Parents Course is a combination of:

The Birth-Prep Yoga program + KG Hypnobirthing + The Complete Antenatal Education Syllabus


You will learn all the tips and tools needed to experience your best possible birth no matter what birth mode you choose.

Hypnobirthing mothers treasure their birth experiences so deeply, so profoundly, that many go on to teach Hypnobirthing. That’s what happened to me 8yrs ago. I recommend The EASY BIRTH Course to everyone, because it WORKS!

There is so much more to know than most of us ever dreamed. There is a whole planet of birthing-body knowledge, from Mind-Power to Microbiome, Seeding, Vernix, best Birth-Prep Practices and the list goes on.

You will learn tools that will serve you for life, including how the sensory body and environment profoundly influence your emotional and physical well-being.

This course prepares you for everything, empowering you with the timeless wisdom and knowledge needed to make the best choices for you and your baby, while remaining calm and in control. Having a positive empowered birth experience changes your life forever. It did for me and millions of woman around the world!!

The value of this is beyond measure.

Sonia For HB.ME

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Mum and Dad begin parenthood with making these vital choices for baby’s birth. You cannot make INFORMED choices on things you are not informed. KG hypnobirthing teaches you what you need to know and helps you understand the whole birth journey. Many “Routine Interventions” have now been abolished. With new research and great associations campaigning for womans birth rights i.e. AIMS, woman are now reclaiming their freedom to birth as they wish.
Read My Birth Story

New Research

Baby’s immune system is boosted by the Microbiome in moms birth canal, knowing this, allows us to understand the value of nature’s way.
If a c-section is needed there are ways to still give baby this boost

The Vernix (cream that covers baby at birth) is a vital immune protector.
Knowing this allows us to put into our birth plans that we do not wish to have baby “cleaned” after birth

Episiotomy – woman were routinely cut in childbirth.
Thankfully this is no longer routine in many countries, but it is still valuable to understand what it is, what the research shows, why it was/is done and how you can avoid it

In years to come we will no doubt be amazed by the colossal benefits of doing things nature’s way and many of the old routine protocols
i.e. episiotomies, will be abolished for good.

What is Hypnobirthing?

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The EASY-BIRTH Course gave my partner and I such a beautiful, positive birth experience. Our little Blake arrived in a quick 4 hours and had a completely natural birth journey into the world. I used all the calming/breathing/moving techniques Sonia teaches. Sonia’s warm/positive energy is infectious and we couldn’t be happier with how the whole process went thanks to her guidance.
Manon Bevan