
Inactivity effects our sex drive We don’t need lists of studies to know this is true! But did you know that the energy we call sex-drive is actually the most powerful CREATIVE ENERGY on this planet. It created you…

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YOU are “The Gate Keeper” Sometimes we stand at the gate of our lives, Peering through the wrought iron bars, Wishing we could be dancing freely in the fields, like those others. We longingly gaze, through misty eyes, forgetting,…

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“I WAS BEFORE I WAS”  (I woke up with these words repeating in my mind) Awakening is Remembering!To remember our deepest connection with our individual spirit, to welcome home that deeply satisfying feeling of belonging to the One Universal…

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Sunday’s are GRATITUDE days!! WHY? because just like sleep, gratitude heals and reboots the soul! Practice Kindness ALL day today, in the BIGGEST WAY!! HERE’S HOW? As your sweet little eyes open upon rising, you say THANK YOU eyes…

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