
Sensuality is your greatest gift

It’s your experience of this sacred life
through the divinity of your senses.
It’s an energy.

The way you sip your coffee, the way you breathe in the sunrise,
the way you open your heart and let the music move you,
It’s the moment you let go of all the rules and un-cage your wild beautiful spirit
Sensuality is when you softly close your eyes so you can tune in deeper
as fingertips caress your skin, your own or someone else’s
It’s the way you bite into that apple, fully conscious of the juices, the sweetness
Not looking to the next bite, but savoring this one

Sensuality is our unique expression of gratitude, as we sit in awe of our magnificence

moment to moment, spiritual beings experiencing life through sensory bodies,

without this connection we miss it all,
life is flat, one dimensional, monotone,
we don’t experience the sublime subtleties

we miss that space just before smooth skin transitions to goosebumps, or the rise of emotions before the tears fall, or the shift in vibrational energy when we witness kindness in each other.

And my beautiful friend, If you have ever felt like its not “OK” for you to fully embody your sensuality, if you’ve ever felt like the real you is in hiding..
it’s not your fault, its the social indoctrination, a suppression of the powerful multi-dimensional expression of the spirit.

You are magnificent and you can start to shed the layers that hide you, through movement.
“Moving Energy Yoga” is what I teach, it’s what I practice, and it’s much more than just yoga shapes.
It’s a deep dive into the fabric of you, a way back to feeling F*cking Amazing!!

The pleasures of life lie like jewels within you, reclaim your sensuality and let no one take it from you. Walk sensually through your life, and that will be a life well spent.

With Love 💕
